Housing Injustices

I am exercising my rights under 24 CFR 982.456; a tenant who formerly lived on Cinnamon Run properties. I endured harassment and duress while I exercise my rights against the landlord's fabrication. In addition, violated HUD's rules by charging me extra rent and fabricated on documents (court) that I breach my lease. I have valid proof of these immoral acts that was maliciously intended to harass me because I complained about my living conditions. The landlord wants me to pay his legal fees because I filed a court case against these oppressive actions.

A HAP contract was signed by the landlord, PHA and I in regards to the (24 CFR 982) federal rules and regulations. I have a right to exercise my rights without fear and intimidation tactics.

Wednesday, February 20

Cinnamon Run Properties (Home Properties)

I am a Housing Choice Voucher tenant, my tenancy is govern under 24 CFR 982 federal rules and regulations; as I formerly reside at Cinnamon Run Apartments. Under duress and harassment, I left my home because my landlord fabricated that I violated my lease, harassing and falsely accusing my visitors, and violating the HAP contract. I was treated as a prisoner in my own home because I am a HCV participant while my visitors were stereotyped, initiated by the landlord, (black males) had to live off my government subsidy. However, one visitor who is my eldest brother married a devoted father and grandfather, have his own home, work for the federal government & military (served in Iraq), another visitor who is married, children and work for Maryland University and lastly another visitor who is a son of a Diplomat, enrolled as a college student. My character was defamed by my landlord in writing that I sublet my apartment and disturbs the peace on a notice to vacant on 4/27/12; I had to file and was granted a peace order against an intoxicated resident cursing and threatening me in front of children at my balcony window (Please watch video below) The landlord identified the son of the Diplomat as the unauthorized tenant stereotyping an innocent visitor causing an unwelcoming environment.  I experience negative violent gang activity near my vehicle, my apartment failed inspection, threats, intoxicated tenant shouting obscenities at my balcony window (in-front of children) which I had to obtain a peace order that was granted by the District Court of Maryland. It's my belief that this case deals with stereotyping and racial profiling against my guest who are non-violent black males.
The landlord proceeded with these false allegations against me to maliciously defame my character as a HCV participant even though I am a bachelor's degree recipient, former Housing Commissioner, housing advocate, SJ Coordinator for HUD Tenant Coalition, Inc., created and Chairman of the Section 8 RAB Board and created a non-profit organization. I was formerly trained by HUD professionals, State officials, professors and other trained tenant advocates, "Why would I jeopardize my voucher? In addition, the landlord reported and sent out correspondence that I breach my lease to defame my character and this is the beginning process of fraud that could cause me to be fine, off the program or imprisoned which I never done any illegal activity in my 45 years of my life. This became a serious actionable offense that the landlord would maliciously and fraudently accuse my guest and I; because of his own personal stereotypes and racial profiling actions. Everyone knows that there are an illegal immigrants living on this property especially through out Montgomery County which consist of overcrowdings however the government overlook these issues for voting purposes and private interest.
HUD administers Federal aid to local housing agencies such as HOC that is intended to implement housing assistance programs for low-income residents. The HAP contract is an agreement from HOC and the landlord on the behalf of the family (me). The program is governed under 24 CFR 982 and form HUD-52641-A (attached to my lease agreement); that the owner must abide during my tenancy on Cinnamon Run Properties. The landlord refuses to abide with the HAP contract (24 CFR 982.455.310) however desire to charge me supplemental rent which violates the tenancy agreement, I was never evicted and the landlord knows that HOC pays my rent until I receive such eviction notices. I never received an eviction notice because I moved under duress and harassment because of the landlord. The HAP contract expressly prohibits landlords from requiring tenants to pay rent in excess of what is authorized by the HAP contract. This represents the False Claims Act towards persons whom the HCV program designs to serve that violates such actions under 18 USC 287, 1343, etc. I paid what I was contracted to pay however the landlord is searching for supplemental payments for profit refusing to acknowledge the HAP contract and 24 CFR 982 that governs the HCV program and processes governance.
After some of these landlords believe that we should live in violent and crime areas; if you complain in Montgomery County you are retaliated against, public opinions don't matter in this county.

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